Thursday, October 1, 2009


So now I have a blog on my hands, what to do with it? Write what’s up in this little but overflowing noggin of mine. As if I needed another ball to juggle but in the realm of the constant search for new ways of testing the creative process, I say what the heck, it gets me to the warmth of my desk space on the cold winter nights that are already here in Floyd Va.

A little introduction of my self to myself as I am my only reader I know of. A product of the 50’s but rose in the 60’s, my culture was trying to form me into another cog in the wheel of the societal life. A factory school churning us kids out in the southern California bliss of sunshine and easy living, suburban homes of safety and neighborhood barbeques, middle class white families all doing just “fine”. Something just didn’t take, I wasn’t applying myself to this reality, academically I wasn’t with the program those perfect families around me were filled with dysfunction and the paradigm was not working for this little innocent boy that had some wisdom and street sense that made up for that academic lack. I went along with the program on the surface (don’t make waves) but inside life retained wonder and mystery, I loved to make stuff and listen to music, play and frolic, well that kept me sane and brought me to this day.

Today I live in this rural place they call Floyd, it sits in the Blueridge mountains of Virginia, I’m nestled in a little cabin with hundreds of acres around me, my sculpture studio a garden and mountain characters as colorful as the autumn that is now coming on.

I landed here two years ago, I’m Californian, born raised and all my life, I love it but it was time to plop myself in a new enviroment and see what would happen. Well it’s been a journey for sure. I make my art walk in the woods and spend allot of time just being.

So what’s the intention here? To share this little perception of life from the viewpoint of a man who is living on his own edge, making art watching this crazy world from more the inside than out. To laugh and cry, to bitch moan and celebrate, to get down to the heart of the matter opposed to all that head stuff that never seemed to answer a thing for me any how.

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